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Simplepayment Solutions

This an API documents for simplepayment solutions, the simplest payment gateway in Indonesia.

General Flow

  1. Create a payment order to get a transaction id in return
  2. Redirect to a specified url
  3. User complete the payment according to the instructions
  4. Payment notification will be sent
  5. Redirect user to your page.


Web services Information

We are using RESTful API, and data is formatted in JSON.


Sandbox :

Production :

Creating a payment order


Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/v1/create

Request parameters ( in json ) :

Name Type Length Requirement Description
timestamp bigint - Mandatory unix time stamp, also known as POSIX time / epoch time, please synchronize your system clock with NTP pool, the difference between our servers has to be less than 600 seconds.
user_id string 40 Mandatory Id of your user, can be email or running numbers
merchant_transaction_id string 128 Mandatory Merchant transaction identifier, must be unique for every order
transaction_description string 256 Optional A short description about this order
payment_channel string 30 Mandatory Payment channel of this order, full list is in Appendix section
currency string 3 Mandatory MYR, IDR, VND depending on the country of the payment channel
amount integer - Mandatory The price which user should pay
item_id string 40 Optional Item identifier, useful when you have different items with same price tab
item_name string 40 Mandatory The name of the item, it will be displayed in payment page or SMS
redirect_url string - Optional The url which the user will be redirected to after the payment, our id and payment status code will be added into the url, check Appendix section for details
custom text - Optional Extra identifier you wish to get in payment notification

HTTP Headers:

Name Description
Content-Type application/json, The type of request content
AppId Your AppId
Bodysign Hash of request messsage, Appendix section will cover the calculation.


HTTP Headers:

Name Description
Content-Type application/vnd.api+json
AppId Your AppId
Bodysign Hash of responded json, Appendix section will cover the calculation.

You can identify if the request is successful by checking the root of the json. Successful case always use ‘data’ as root, while failed case is always ‘errors’.

Body - Successful:

Please make sure the webview in Android is able to handle sms and phone links. ( sms:// , tel:// )

Name Description
data Top level or root of response
id Our transaction identifier , work as a token as well, as it is only valid for 10 minutes.
status_code The status code of this order
title The status of this order
detail The message of the status
href The url to redirect the user, for web payment
rel Target to the link
method Method to use


{“data”: {“id”:”595962b31bc7e0056a5051ba”,”timestamp”:1499030195, “status_code”:”ORDER_CREATED”,”title”:”Order Created.”, “detail”:”Payment order has been created.”, “links”: {“href”:”http:\/\/\/order\/595962b31bc7e0056a5051ba”, “rel”:”self”,”method”:”GET”}}}” }

Body - Error:

Name Description
errors Top level or root of response
id error code, click here for the full list
title The short description of error
detail The description of error
code http status code
links Details of the error in web page ( reserved )


{“errors”: {“id”:”INVALID_APP_ID”,”title”:”The App id in request header is invalid.”, “detail”:”The App id or client account is not found or has been deactivated.”, “code”:400,”links”:{“about”:””}}}

Payment Notification

Upon successful payment, payment notification will be sent to the payment notifcation url configured in our backend via POST method, we expect a OK ( string ) as response, to stop retrying. Pleae take note that you may receive multiple payment notifications for a same transaction.

The payment notifcation will be sent from (development server) and (production server)

Method: POST

Request json

Name Description
data Top level or root of response
id Our transaction identifier
timestamp unix timestamp
details array of transaction details

Array of transaction details

Name Description
app_id your AppId
user_id User identifier, same as the one in order creation
merchant_transaction_id Your transaction id, same as the one in payment order
transaction_description Description of this transaction, if there is any
payment_channel Payment channel that user used to complete this order, refer to Appendix for the complete list
channel_name The name of the payment channel.
currency The currency, only these: ‘MYR’, ‘IDR’, ‘PHP’
amount The total amount that user paid
status_code The status of the transaction, Appendix section has the complete list
status Short description of status_code.
item_id Your item identifier
item_name Your item name
testing Testing status of this transaction, ‘1’ or ‘0’
custom the extra information submitted during order creation

example ( space is added to enable wraping ):

{“data”: {“id”:”5b2e1344eef87c12b425f701”,”timestamp”:1529746601,”details”:{“app_id”:”58c787cf398e82bea93ce070”,”user_id”:1529746034,”merchant_transaction_id”:”1529746034273349”, “transaction_description”:””,”payment_channel”:”airtime_testing”,”channel_name”:”Airtime Testing”, “currency”:”IDR”,”amount”:10000,”status_code”:”PAYMENT_COMPLETED”, “status”:”Payment Completed”, “item_id”:””,”item_name”:”2000 coins”, “testing” : “1”,”custom”:””}} }

Response ( in Text ):


Order checking


Method: POST

Endpoint: api/v1/check_order

Request parameters ( in json ) :

Name Type Length Requirement Description
id string - Mandatory our transaction id
timestamp bigint - Mandatory unix time stamp, also known as POSIX time / epoch time, please synchronize your system clock with NTP pool, the difference between our servers has to be less than 600 seconds.

HTTP Headers:

Name Description
Content-Type application/json, The type of request content
AppId Your AppId
Bodysign Hash of request messsage, Appendix section will cover the calculation.

Response ( in Json ):

HTTP Headers:

Name Description
Content-Type application/vnd.api+json
AppId Your AppId
Bodysign Hash of responded json, Appendix section will cover the calculation.

Body - Successful:

Name Description
data Top level or root of response
app_id your AppId
user_id User identifier, same as the one in order creation
merchant_transaction_id Your transaction id, same as the one in payment order
transaction_description Description of this transaction, if there is any
payment_channel Payment channel that user used to complete this order
channel_name The name of the payment channel.
currency ISO 4217 Currency Codes, click here for the complete list
amount The total amount that user paid
status_code The status of the transaction, Appendix section has the complete list
status Short description of status_code.
item_id Your item identifier
item_name Your item name
testing Testing status of this transaction, ‘1’ or ‘0’
custom the extra information submitted during order creation

example ( space is added to enable wraping ):

{“data”: {“id”:”5b2e1344eef87c12b425f701”,”timestamp”:1529746601,”details”: {“app_id”:”58c787cf398e82bea93ce070”,”user_id”:1529746034, “merchant_transaction_id”:”1529746034273349”, “transaction_description”:””, “payment_channel”:”airtime_testing,”channel_name”:”Airtime Testing”, “currency”:”IDR”,”amount”:10000,”status_code”:”PAYMENT_COMPLETED”, “status”:”Payment Completed”, “item_id”:””,”item_name”:”2000 coins”, “testing”:”1”,”custom”:””}} }

Body - Error:

Name Description
errors Top level or root of response
id error code, [click here] for the full list
title The short description of error
detail The description of error
code http status code
links Details of the error in web page ( reserved )


{“errors”: {“id”:”INVALID_APP_ID”,”title”:”The App id in request header is invalid.”, “detail”:”The App id or client account is not found or has been deactivated.”, “code”:400,”links”:{“about”:””}} }


Payment channel

Name Description Amount range
telkomsel_airtime Airtime, Indonesia IDR5.000, IDR10.000, IDR25.000, IDR50.000, IDR100.000, IDR250.000, IDR500.000
indosat_airtime Airtime, Indonesia IDR5.000, IDR10.000, IDR20.000, IDR25.000, IDR50.000, IDR100.000, IDR200.000, IDR500.000
xl_airtime Airtime, Indonesia IDR5.000, IDR10.000, IDR20.000, IDR25.000, IDR50.000, IDR100.000, IDR200.000, IDR500.000
three_airtime Airtime, Indonesia IDR5.000, IDR10.000, IDR20.000, IDR25.000, IDR50.000, IDR100.000, IDR200.000, IDR500.000
smartfren_airtime Airtime, Indonesia IDR1.000, IDR2.000, IDR3.000, IDR5.000, IDR10.000, IDR20.000, IDR50.000, IDR100.000, IDR200.000, IDR500.000
bank_transfer All bank transfer channels, Indonesia only for now. IDR50.000 ~ IDR20.000.000
bank_transfer_bca BCA bank transfer, reflected in payment notification.  
bank_transfer_permata Permata bank transfer, reflected in payment notification.  
bank_transfer_mandiri Mandiri bank transfer, reflected in payment notification.  
alfamart_otc Over the counter of convenience store Alfamart, Indonesia IDR10.000 ~ Rp1.000.000
indomaret_otc Over the counter of convenience store Indomaret, Indonesia IDR10.000 ~ Rp1.000.000
doku_wallet Doku Wallet, Indonesia IDR1.0000 ~ IDR1.000.000
ovo_wallet Ovo Wallet, Indonesia IDR1.000 ~ IDR1.000.000
dana_wallet Dana Wallet, Indonesia IDR1.000 ~ IDR10.000.000
linkaja_wallet LinkAja Wallet, Indonesia IDR2.000, IDR5.000, IDR10.000, IDR20.000, IDR25.000, IDR50.000, IDR100.000, IDR200.000, IDR250.000, IDR500.000
celcom_airtime Airtime, Malaysia MYR3, MYR20, MYR10, MYR20, MYR50
digi_airtime Airtime, Malaysia MYR3, MYR5, MYR10, MYR20, MYR50
smart_airtime Airtime, Philippines PHP5, PHP10, PHP20, PHP50, PHP100
globe_airtime Airtime, Philippines PHP5, PHP10, PHP20, PHP50, PHP100
airtime All airtime channels, display selections according to currency and amount  
wallet All wallet channels, display selections according to currency and amount  
voucher All voucher channels, display selections according to currency and amount  
airtime_testing For testing ONLY, please ignore any payment notification with such value after you go live. To test: Phone number: 088881234567, Sms code : 1234 IDR10.000, IDR20.000, IDR25.000, IDR50.000, IDR100.000


To get the signature, take these steps:

  1. base64 encode the json

    example ( space is added to enable wraping ):

    json :

    {“timestamp”:1498954516,”amount”:10000.00,”user_id”:”test_user”, “item_name”:”2000 coins”,”payment_channel”:”telkomsel_airtime”, “redirect_url”:”http:\/\/\/callback\/payment”, “redirect_target”:”_top”,”merchant_transaction_id”:”1498954516427118”}

    base64 :

    eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0OTg5NTQ1MTYsImFtb3VudCI6MTAwMD AsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJ0ZXN0X3VzZXIiLC JpdGVtX25hbWUiOiIyMD AwIGNvaW5zIiwicGF5bWVudF9jaGFubmVsIjoidGVsa29tc2VsX2F pcnRpbWUiLCJ yZWRpcmVjdF91cmwiOiJodHRwOlwvXC8xOTIuMTY 4LjU2LjEwNVwvY2FsbGJhY2tcL3BheW1lbnQiLCJyZWRpcmVjdF90 YXJnZXQiOiJfdG9wIiwibWVyY2hhbnRfdHJhbnNhY3Rpb25faWQiO iIxNDk4OTU0NTE2NDI3MTE4In0=

  2. Calculate the hash using HMAC-SHA-256, using the SecretKey
  3. Example

signature : 02978711eb15f52fb2d1c222c056293fd6f0348e28f6b8960d021e142c3a932f

Redirect Url

Please avoid using ‘transaction_id’ and ‘status_code’ in your redirect url, as they will be added into your redirect url.


Payment Status

Failed payment status will be updated as accurate as possbile, depending on upstream service provider.

Code Title Description
PAYMENT_COMPLETED Payment Completed This payment has been completed successfully, this is the ONLY payment status you should accept as payment successful.
ORDER_CREATED Order Created Payment order has been created.
PAYMENT_PENDING Payment Pending Waiting for user to complete the paymnet.
PAYMENT_FAILED Payment Failed User does not complete the payment.
USED_VOUCHER Used Voucher This voucher code has been used.
INVALID_VOUCHER Invalid Voucher This voucher code is wrong.
PAYMENT_REVERSED Payment Reversed Payment was reversed, timeout at switching network.
VERIFICATION_FAILED Verification Failed Verification is not successul.
CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE Channel is not available Payment channel provider is unreachable.
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Insufficient Balance Not enough balance to compelete the payment.
CHARGING_REQUEST_SENT Charging Request Sent Charging request has been submitted, payment notification will be sent if payment is successful.
CHARGING_REQUEST_FAILED Charging Request Failed Charging request has not been sent, please retry.
INVALID_ACCOUNT Invalid account This account id is not found, please retry.
PAYMENT_CANCELLED Payment cancelled User refuse to continue the payment.
PAYMENT_EXPIRED Payment expired The time to complete payment has expired, please retry.

Error Codes

These are the error codes you may encounter while sending request to endpoints:

Code Description
INVALID_APP_ID The App id in request header is invalid.
INVALID_PAYLOAD The payload is not json.
MISSING_PARAMETERS Some mandatory parameters are missing from the request.
DUPLICATED_TRANS_ID This transacion id has been used, please make sure each payment request has unique transaction id.
PAYMENT_UNDER_MAINTENANCE This payment channel is performing maintenance now.
INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD This payment method is not supported by this application.
INVALID_DENOM This payment method does not support this denomination.


  1. Will I be able to use staging account after migrating to production?
  1. There are so many types of ‘Bank Transfer’, which one should i use?